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Interface: jstp.Client

Client object is used to specify client-side connection behavior.

client.connectPolicy(application, connection[, session], callback)

The application may be 'name', 'name@version' or { name, version }, where version must be a valid semver range.

The session is passed to this function when the client is reconnecting to the existing session. In that case, implementations of this interface are not required to pass session argument to the callback.

If this field is not set, new SimpleConnectPolicy().connect() is used.

It is also possible to set this field to an object with the connect() method having the same signature.


Client-side application instance to be exposed over connection.

If this field is not set, an Application jstp@1.0.0 with an empty api is used.


Setting this field enables heartbeat.


Setting this field results in using the 'session' authentication strategy when connecting, which can be used to reconnect to the existing session.


Optional EventEmitter object to use for logging. If this field is not set, logging events are emitted on the connection object itself. Available logging events are listed in the Connection class.

client.reconnector(connection, reconnectFn)

  • connection <Connection>
  • reconnectFn <Function>
    • transport <string> Optional argument, can be passed to switch transport on reconnection.
    • ...options <any> Optional options to be passed to transport.connect() function.
    • callback <Function> Optional callback to be called after finishing the reconnection attempt.

When set, this function will be called after the connection is closed and can be used to reconnect to the same or different server by calling reconnectFn and providing options in the same way they are provided when connecting to the server.

It is also possible to use another transport by providing its name as the first argument to reconnectFn. In case no transport and/or options were provided to reconnectFn, values from the previous successful connection attempt are to be used.

To completely stop reconnecting do not call reconnectFn inside this function.

In case this field is not set, default reconnector that provides exponential backoff functionality is used.